“I have stated my clear stand on the matter. If the AFP (Armed Forces of the Philippines) thinks I am not competent, that I am not qualified to be sitting here – I discussed this with them in a command conference – bahala kayo (it’s up to you),”  the President said during an interview with Chief Legal Counsel Salvador Panelo on Tuesday, September 11, in Malacañang.

“If you want another president, fine,” PRRD reiterated his past pronouncements that he did not want to see soldiers fighting fellow soldiers.

Duterte’s remarks came a week after his order voiding the amnesty granted to Senator Antonio Trillanes IV was made public. Trillanes, a former Navy officer, was granted amnesty by the previous Aquino administration for his participation in two mutinies against the government of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, now Speaker of the House.

Duterte message toTrillanes: never did anything for the military, but that if the institution does not recognize that, it can always “go to [Trillanes] and stage a mutiny or revolution or whatever.”
“You are free to do that. As a matter of fact, I am encouraging you to do that para tapos na (so it ends here),” he said.